
Posts Tagged ‘home cooking’

Value Meals

Food marketers are talking about value today in response to the falling stock market. Instead of attempts to get people to buy fleur de sel caramels, or high-end frozen desserts, we’re being lured to the simple and less expensive – Kraft American Singles and Campbell’s Tomato Soup anyone?

I suspect we’re going to be hearing a lot about value over the next several months. You know what I think is the best value? Eating at home. I’ve always felt that way and probably always will. When I eat out it’s not because there’s no food in the house. When I eat out it’s because I want to take a small break from my kitchen and relax while eating someone elses cooking for a change. Then I see the bill and pay the tip.

Cooking at home is a good value. Tonight for dinner I made a batch of white clam sauce and served it over whole-wheat spaghetti. Chopped steamed broccoli with lemon zest on the side. Glass of local Pinot Grigio. Quite a delicious, inexpensive meal. And before I get off my soapbox, make your coffee at home – it’s SOOO much less expensive.

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